Martin Escardo, August 2018

The ordinal of ordinals. Based on the HoTT Book, with a few
modifications in some of the definitions and arguments.

This is an example where we are studying sets only, but the univalence
axiom is used to show that (1) the type of ordinals forms a (large)
set, (2) its order is extensional, (3) hence it is itself a (large)
ordinal, (4) the type of ordinals is locally small.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.Univalence

module Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinals
        (ua : Univalence)

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Ordinals.Equivalence
open import Ordinals.Maps
open import Ordinals.Notions
open import Ordinals.Type
open import Ordinals.Underlying
open import Ordinals.WellOrderTransport
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.EquivalenceExamples
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.UA-FunExt

 fe : FunExt
 fe = Univalence-gives-FunExt ua

 fe' : Fun-Ext
 fe' {𝓤} {𝓥} = fe 𝓤 𝓥

open import Ordinals.Arithmetic fe


The simulations make the ordinals into a poset:


_⊴_ : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal 𝓥  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
α  β = Σ f  ( α    β ) , is-simulation α β f

[_,_]⟨_⟩ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)  α  β   α    β 
[ α , β ]⟨ f  = pr₁ f

[_,_]⟨_⟩-is-simulation : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (f : α  β)
                        is-simulation α β [ α , β ]⟨ f 
[_,_]⟨_⟩-is-simulation α β f = pr₂ f

⊴-gives-↪ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
            (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
           α  β
            α    β 
⊴-gives-↪ α β (f , s) = f , simulations-are-embeddings fe α β f s

⊴-is-prop-valued : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)  is-prop (α  β)
⊴-is-prop-valued {𝓤} {𝓥} α β (f , s) (g , t) =
  (being-simulation-is-prop fe' α β)
  (dfunext fe' (at-most-one-simulation α β f g s t))

⊴-refl : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  α
⊴-refl α = id ,
            x z l  z , l , refl) ,
            x y l  l)

=-to-⊴ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  α  β
=-to-⊴ α β refl = ⊴-refl α

⊴-trans : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
         α  β  β  γ  α  γ
⊴-trans α β γ (f , i , p) (g , j , q) = g  f ,
                                        k ,
                                         x y l  q (f x) (f y) (p x y l))
  k : (x :  α ) (z :  γ )   z ≺⟨ γ  (g (f x))
     Σ x'   α  , (x' ≺⟨ α  x) × (g (f x')  z)
  k x z l = pr₁ b , pr₁ (pr₂ b) , (ap g (pr₂ (pr₂ b))  pr₂ (pr₂ a))
    a : Σ y   β  , (y ≺⟨ β  f x) × (g y  z)
    a = j (f x) z l

    y :  β 
    y = pr₁ a

    b : Σ x'   α  , (x' ≺⟨ α  x) × (f x'  y)
    b = i x y (pr₁ (pr₂ a))

≃ₒ-to-⊴ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)  α ≃ₒ β  α  β
≃ₒ-to-⊴ α β (f , e) = (f , order-equivs-are-simulations α β f e)

ordinal-equiv-gives-bisimilarity : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
                                  α ≃ₒ β
                                  (α  β) × (β  α)
ordinal-equiv-gives-bisimilarity α β (f , p , e , q) = γ
  g :  β    α 
  g =  f , e ⌝⁻¹

  d : is-equiv g
  d = ⌜⌝-is-equiv (≃-sym (f , e))

  γ : (α  β) × (β  α)
  γ = (f , order-equivs-are-simulations α β f (p , e , q)) ,
      (g , order-equivs-are-simulations β α g (q , d , p))

bisimilarity-gives-ordinal-equiv : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
                                  α  β
                                  β  α
                                  α ≃ₒ β
bisimilarity-gives-ordinal-equiv α β (f , s) (g , t) = γ
  ηs : is-simulation β β (f  g)
  ηs = pr₂ (⊴-trans β α β (g , t) (f , s))

  η : (y :  β )  f (g y)  y
  η = at-most-one-simulation β β (f  g) id ηs (pr₂ (⊴-refl β))

  εs : is-simulation α α (g  f)
  εs = pr₂ (⊴-trans α β α (f , s) (g , t))

  ε : (x :  α )  g (f x)  x
  ε = at-most-one-simulation α α (g  f) id εs (pr₂ (⊴-refl α))

  γ : α ≃ₒ β
  γ =  f , pr₂ s , qinvs-are-equivs f (g , ε , η) , pr₂ t


A corollary of the above is that the ordinal order _⊴_ is


⊴-antisym : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
           α  β
           β  α
           α  β
⊴-antisym α β l m =
 eqtoidₒ (ua _) fe' α β (bisimilarity-gives-ordinal-equiv α β l m)


Any lower set α ↓ a of a point a : ⟨ α ⟩ forms a (sub-)ordinal:


_↓_ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)   α   Ordinal 𝓤
α  a = (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a) , _<_ , p , w , e , t
  _<_ : (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a)  (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a)  _ ̇
  (y , _) < (z , _) = y ≺⟨ α  z

  p : is-prop-valued _<_
  p (x , _) (y , _)  = Prop-valuedness α x y

  w : is-well-founded _<_
  w (x , l) = f x (Well-foundedness α x) l
    f :  x
       is-accessible (underlying-order α) x
        l  is-accessible _<_ (x , l)
    f x (acc s) l = acc  σ m  f (pr₁ σ) (s (pr₁ σ) m) (pr₂ σ))

  e : is-extensional _<_
  e (x , l) (y , m) f g =
      z  Prop-valuedness α z a)
     (Extensionality α x y
        u n  f (u , Transitivity α u x a n l) n)
        u n  g (u , Transitivity α u y a n m) n))

  t : is-transitive _<_
  t (x , _) (y , _) (z , _) = Transitivity α x y z

segment-inclusion : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
                    α  a    α 
segment-inclusion α a = pr₁

segment-inclusion-bound : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
                         (x :  α  a )
                         segment-inclusion α a x ≺⟨ α  a
segment-inclusion-bound α a = pr₂

segment-inclusion-is-simulation : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
                                 is-simulation (α  a) α (segment-inclusion α a)
segment-inclusion-is-simulation α a = i , p
  i : is-initial-segment (α  a) α (segment-inclusion α a)
  i (x , l) y m = (y , Transitivity α y x a m l) , m , refl

  p : is-order-preserving (α  a) α (segment-inclusion α a)
  p x x' = id

segment-⊴ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
           (α  a)  α
segment-⊴ α a = segment-inclusion α a , segment-inclusion-is-simulation α a

segment-inclusion-lc : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) {a :  α }
                      left-cancellable (segment-inclusion α a)
segment-inclusion-lc α {a} =
 simulations-are-lc (α  a) α
  (segment-inclusion α a)
  (segment-inclusion-is-simulation α a)

↓-⊴-lc : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
        (α  a)  (α  b )
        a ≼⟨ α  b
↓-⊴-lc {𝓤} α a b (f , s) u l = n
  h : segment-inclusion α a  segment-inclusion α b  f
  h = at-most-one-simulation (α  a) α
        (segment-inclusion α a)
        (segment-inclusion α b  f)
        (segment-inclusion-is-simulation α a)
        (pr₂ (⊴-trans (α  a) (α  b) α
                 (f , s)
                 (segment-⊴ α b)))

  v :  α 
  v = segment-inclusion α b (f (u , l))

  m : v ≺⟨ α  b
  m = segment-inclusion-bound α b (f (u , l))

  q : u  v
  q = h (u , l)

  n : u ≺⟨ α  b
  n = transport⁻¹  -  - ≺⟨ α  b) q m

↓-lc : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
      α  a  α  b
      a  b
↓-lc α a b p =
 Extensionality α a b
  (↓-⊴-lc α a b (transport       -  (α  a)  -) p (⊴-refl (α  a))))
  (↓-⊴-lc α b a (transport⁻¹  -  (α  b)  -) p (⊴-refl (α  b))))

↓-is-embedding : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  is-embedding (α ↓_)
↓-is-embedding α = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings
                    (α ↓_)
                    (↓-lc α _ _)
                    (the-type-of-ordinals-is-a-set (ua _) fe')

We are now ready to make the type of ordinals into an ordinal.


_⊲_ : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal 𝓤  𝓤  ̇
α  β = Σ b   β  , α  (β  b)

⊲-is-prop-valued : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  is-prop (α  β)
⊲-is-prop-valued {𝓤} α β (b , p) (b' , p') = γ
  q = (β  b)  =⟨ p ⁻¹ 
       α       =⟨ p' 
      (β  b') 

  r : b  b'
  r = ↓-lc β b b' q

  γ : (b , p)  (b' , p')
  γ = to-subtype-=  x  the-type-of-ordinals-is-a-set (ua 𝓤) fe') r


NB. We could instead define α ⊲ β to mean that we have b with
α ≃ₒ (β ↓ b), or with α ⊴ (β ↓ b) and (β ↓ b) ⊴ α, by antisymmetry,
and these two alternative, equivalent, definitions make ⊲ to have
values in the universe 𝓤 rather than the next universe 𝓤 ⁺.

Added 23 December 2020. The previous observation turns out to be
useful to resize down the relation _⊲_ in certain applications. So we
make it official:


_⊲⁻_ : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal 𝓥  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
α ⊲⁻ β = Σ b   β  , α ≃ₒ (β  b)

⊲-is-equivalent-to-⊲⁻ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  (α  β)  (α ⊲⁻ β)
⊲-is-equivalent-to-⊲⁻ α β = Σ-cong  (b :  β )  UAₒ-≃ (ua _) fe' α (β  b))

Back to the past.

A lower set of a lower set is a lower set:


iterated-↓ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α ) (l : b ≺⟨ α  a)
            ((α  a )  (b , l))  (α  b)
iterated-↓ α a b l = ⊴-antisym ((α  a)  (b , l)) (α  b)
                      (φ α a b l) (ψ α a b l)
  φ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (b u :  α ) (l : u ≺⟨ α  b)
     ((α  b )  (u , l))  (α  u)
  φ α b u l = f , i , p
    f :  (α  b)  (u , l)    α  u 
    f ((x , m) , n) = x , n

    i : (w :  (α  b)  (u , l) ) (t :  α  u )
       t ≺⟨ α  u  f w
       Σ w'   (α  b)  (u , l)  , (w' ≺⟨ (α  b)  (u , l)  w) × (f w'  t)
    i ((x , m) , n) (x' , m') n' = ((x' , Transitivity α x' u b m' l) , m') ,
                                    (n' , refl)

    p : (w w' :  (α  b)  (u , l) )
       w ≺⟨ (α  b)  (u , l)  w'  f w ≺⟨ α  u  (f w')
    p w w' = id

  ψ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (b u :  α ) (l : u ≺⟨ α  b)
     (α  u)  ((α  b )  (u , l))
  ψ α b u l = f , (i , p)
    f :  α  u    (α  b)  (u , l) 
    f (x , n) = ((x , Transitivity α x u b n l) , n)

    i : (t :  α  u )
        (w :  (α  b)  (u , l) )
       w ≺⟨ (α  b)  (u , l)  f t
       Σ t'   α  u  , (t' ≺⟨ α  u  t) × (f t'  w)
    i (x , n) ((x' , m') , n') o = (x' , n') , (o , r)
      r : ((x' , Transitivity α x' u b n' l) , n')  (x' , m') , n'
      r = ap  -  ((x' , -) , n'))
             (Prop-valuedness α x' b (Transitivity α x' u b n' l) m')

    p : (t t' :  α  u )  t ≺⟨ α  u  t'  f t ≺⟨ (α  b)  (u , l)  f t'
    p t t' = id


Therefore the map (α ↓ -) reflects and preserves order:


↓-reflects-order : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
                  (α  a)  (α  b)
                  a ≺⟨ α  b
↓-reflects-order α a b ((u , l) , p) = γ
  have : type-of l  (u ≺⟨ α  b)
  have = refl

  q : (α  a)  (α  u)
  q = (α  a)             =⟨ p 
      ((α  b)  (u , l)) =⟨ iterated-↓ α b u l 
      (α  u)             

  r : a  u
  r = ↓-lc α a u q

  γ : a ≺⟨ α  b
  γ = transport⁻¹  -  - ≺⟨ α  b) r l

↓-preserves-order : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
                   a ≺⟨ α  b
                   (α  a)  (α  b)
↓-preserves-order α a b l = (a , l) , ((iterated-↓ α b a l)⁻¹)


It remains to show that _⊲_ is a well-order:


↓-accessible : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
              is-accessible _⊲_ (α  a)
↓-accessible {𝓤} α a = f a (Well-foundedness α a)
  f : (a :  α )
     is-accessible (underlying-order α) a
     is-accessible _⊲_ (α  a)
  f a (acc s) = acc g
    IH : (b :  α )  b ≺⟨ α  a  is-accessible _⊲_ (α  b)
    IH b l = f b (s b l)

    g : (β : Ordinal 𝓤)  β  (α  a)  is-accessible _⊲_ β
    g β ((b , l) , p) = transport⁻¹ (is-accessible _⊲_) q (IH b l)
      q : β  (α  b)
      q = p  iterated-↓ α a b l

⊲-is-well-founded : is-well-founded (_⊲_ {𝓤})
⊲-is-well-founded {𝓤} α = acc g
  g : (β : Ordinal 𝓤)  β  α  is-accessible _⊲_ β
  g β (b , p) = transport⁻¹ (is-accessible _⊲_) p (↓-accessible α b)

⊲-is-extensional : is-extensional (_⊲_ {𝓤})
⊲-is-extensional α β f g = ⊴-antisym α β
                           ((λ x  pr₁ (φ x)) , i , p)
                           ((λ y  pr₁ (γ y)) , j , q)
  φ : (x :  α )  Σ y   β  , α  x  β  y
  φ x = f (α  x) (x , refl)

  γ : (y :  β )  Σ x   α  , β  y  α  x
  γ y = g (β  y) (y , refl)

  η : (x :  α )  pr₁ (γ (pr₁ (φ x)))  x
  η x = (↓-lc α x (pr₁ (γ (pr₁ (φ x)))) a)⁻¹
    a : (α  x)  (α  pr₁ (γ (pr₁ (φ x))))
    a = pr₂ (φ x)  pr₂ (γ (pr₁ (φ x)))

  ε : (y :  β )  pr₁ (φ (pr₁ (γ y)))  y
  ε y = (↓-lc β y (pr₁ (φ (pr₁ (γ y)))) a)⁻¹
    a : (β  y)  (β  pr₁ (φ (pr₁ (γ y))))
    a = pr₂ (γ y)  pr₂ (φ (pr₁ (γ y)))

  p : is-order-preserving α β  x  pr₁ (φ x))
  p x x' l = ↓-reflects-order β (pr₁ (φ x)) (pr₁ (φ x')) b
    a : (α  x)  (α  x')
    a = ↓-preserves-order α x x' l

    b : (β  pr₁ (φ x))  (β  pr₁ (φ x'))
    b = transport₂ _⊲_ (pr₂ (φ x)) (pr₂ (φ x')) a

  q : is-order-preserving β α  y  pr₁ (γ y))
  q y y' l = ↓-reflects-order α (pr₁ (γ y)) (pr₁ (γ y')) b
    a : (β  y)  (β  y')
    a = ↓-preserves-order β y y' l

    b : (α  pr₁ (γ y))  (α  pr₁ (γ y'))
    b = transport₂ _⊲_ (pr₂ (γ y)) (pr₂ (γ y')) a

  i : is-initial-segment α β  x  pr₁ (φ x))
  i x y l = pr₁ (γ y) , transport  -  pr₁ (γ y) ≺⟨ α  -) (η x) a , ε y
    a : pr₁ (γ y) ≺⟨ α  (pr₁ (γ (pr₁ (φ x))))
    a = q y (pr₁ (φ x)) l

  j : is-initial-segment β α  y  pr₁ (γ y))
  j y x l = pr₁ (φ x) , transport  -  pr₁ (φ x) ≺⟨ β  -) (ε y) a , η x
    a : pr₁ (φ x) ≺⟨ β  (pr₁ (φ (pr₁ (γ y))))
    a = p x (pr₁ (γ y)) l

⊲-is-transitive : is-transitive (_⊲_ {𝓤})
⊲-is-transitive {𝓤} α β φ (a , p) (b , q) = γ
  t : (q : β  (φ  b))  (β  a)  ((φ  b)  transport ⟨_⟩ q a)
  t refl = refl

  u :  φ  b 
  u = transport (⟨_⟩) q a

  c :  φ 
  c = pr₁ u

  l : c ≺⟨ φ  b
  l = pr₂ u

  r : α  (φ  c)
  r = α             =⟨ p 
      (β  a)       =⟨ t q 
      ((φ  b)  u) =⟨ iterated-↓ φ b c l 
      (φ  c)       

  γ : Σ c   φ  , α  (φ  c)
  γ = c , r

⊲-is-well-order : is-well-order (_⊲_ {𝓤})
⊲-is-well-order = ⊲-is-prop-valued ,
                  ⊲-is-well-founded ,
                  ⊲-is-extensional ,

We denote the ordinal of ordinals in the universe 𝓤 by OO 𝓤. It lives
in the next universe 𝓤 ⁺.


OO : (𝓤 : Universe)  Ordinal (𝓤 )
OO 𝓤 = Ordinal 𝓤 , _⊲_ , ⊲-is-well-order


Any ordinal in OO 𝓤 is embedded in OO 𝓤 as an initial segment:


ordinals-in-OO-are-embedded-in-OO : (α :  OO 𝓤 )  α  OO 𝓤
ordinals-in-OO-are-embedded-in-OO {𝓤} α =  x  α  x) , i , ↓-preserves-order α
  i : is-initial-segment α (OO 𝓤)  x  α  x)
  i x β ((u , l) , p) = u , l , ((p  iterated-↓ α x u l)⁻¹)

OO-⊴-next-OO : OO 𝓤  OO (𝓤 )
OO-⊴-next-OO {𝓤} = ordinals-in-OO-are-embedded-in-OO (OO 𝓤)

ordinals-are-embedded-in-Ordinal : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)   α   Ordinal 𝓤
ordinals-are-embedded-in-Ordinal {𝓤} α = ⊴-gives-↪ α (OO 𝓤)
                                          (ordinals-in-OO-are-embedded-in-OO α)

Ordinal-embedded-in-next-Ordinal : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal (𝓤 )
Ordinal-embedded-in-next-Ordinal {𝓤} = ordinals-are-embedded-in-Ordinal (OO 𝓤)


Any ordinal in OO 𝓤 is a lower set of OO 𝓤:


ordinals-in-OO-are-lowersets-of-OO : (α :  OO 𝓤 )  α ≃ₒ (OO 𝓤  α)
ordinals-in-OO-are-lowersets-of-OO {𝓤} α = f , p , ((g , η) , (g , ε)) , q
  f :  α    OO 𝓤  α 
  f x = α  x , x , refl

  p : is-order-preserving α (OO 𝓤  α) f
  p x y l = (x , l) , ((iterated-↓ α y x l)⁻¹)

  g :  OO 𝓤  α    α 
  g (β , x , r) = x

  η : (σ :  OO 𝓤  α )  f (g σ)  σ
  η (.(α  x) , x , refl) = refl

  ε : (x :  α )  g (f x)  x
  ε x = refl

  q : is-order-preserving (OO 𝓤  α) α g
  q (.(α  x) , x , refl) (.(α  x') , x' , refl) = ↓-reflects-order α x x'


Added 19-20 January 2021.

The partial order _⊴_ is equivalent to _≼_.

We first observe that, almost tautologically, the relation α ≼ β is
logically equivalent to the condition (a : ⟨ α ⟩) → (α ↓ a) ⊲ β.


_≼_ _≾_ : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal 𝓤  𝓤  ̇
α  β = α ≼⟨ OO _  β
α  β = ¬ (β  α)

to-≼ : {α β : Ordinal 𝓤}
      ((a :  α )
      (α  a)  β)
      α  β
to-≼ {𝓤} {α} {β} ϕ α' (a , p) = m
  l : (α  a)  β
  l = ϕ a

  m : α'  β
  m = transport (_⊲ β) (p ⁻¹) l

from-≼ : {α β : Ordinal 𝓤}
        α  β
        (a :  α )
        (α  a)  β
from-≼ {𝓤} {α} {β} l a = l (α  a) m
  m : (α  a)  α
  m = (a , refl)

⊴-gives-≼ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  α  β
⊴-gives-≼ α β (f , f-is-initial-segment , f-is-order-preserving) α' (a , p) = l
  f-is-simulation : is-simulation α β f
  f-is-simulation = f-is-initial-segment , f-is-order-preserving

  g :  α  a    β  f a 
  g (x , l) = f x , f-is-order-preserving x a l

  h :  β  f a    α  a 
  h (y , m) = pr₁ σ , pr₁ (pr₂ σ)
    σ : Σ x   α  , (x ≺⟨ α  a) × (f x  y)
    σ = f-is-initial-segment a y m

  η : h  g  id
  η (x , l) = to-subtype-=  -  Prop-valuedness α - a) r
    σ : Σ x'   α  , (x' ≺⟨ α  a) × (f x'  f x)
    σ = f-is-initial-segment a (f x) (f-is-order-preserving x a l)

    x' = pr₁ σ

    have : pr₁ (h (g (x , l)))  x'
    have = refl

    s : f x'  f x
    s = pr₂ (pr₂ σ)

    r : x'  x
    r = simulations-are-lc α β f f-is-simulation s

  ε : g  h  id
  ε (y , m) = to-subtype-=  -  Prop-valuedness β - (f a)) r
    r : f (pr₁ (f-is-initial-segment a y m))  y
    r = pr₂ (pr₂ (f-is-initial-segment a y m))

  g-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving (α  a) (β  f a) g
  g-is-order-preserving (x , _) (x' , _) = f-is-order-preserving x x'

  h-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving (β  f a) (α  a) h
  h-is-order-preserving (y , m) (y' , m') l = o
    have : y ≺⟨ β  y'
    have = l

    σ  = f-is-initial-segment a y  m
    σ' = f-is-initial-segment a y' m'

    x  = pr₁ σ
    x' = pr₁ σ'

    s : f x  y
    s = pr₂ (pr₂ σ)

    s' : f x'  y'
    s' = pr₂ (pr₂ σ')

    t : f x ≺⟨ β  f x'
    t = transport₂  y y'  y ≺⟨ β  y') (s ⁻¹) (s' ⁻¹) l

    o : x ≺⟨ α  x'
    o = simulations-are-order-reflecting α β f f-is-simulation x x' t

  q : (α  a)  (β  f a)
  q = eqtoidₒ (ua _) fe' (α  a) (β  f a)
        (g ,
         g-is-order-preserving ,
         qinvs-are-equivs g (h , η , ε) ,

  l : α'  β
  l = transport (_⊲ β) (p ⁻¹) (f a , q)


For the converse of the above, it suffices to show the following:


to-⊴ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
      ((a :  α )  (α  a)  β)
      α  β
to-⊴ α β ϕ = g
  f :  α    β 
  f a = pr₁ (ϕ a)

  f-property : (a :  α )  (α  a)  (β  f a)
  f-property a = pr₂ (ϕ a)

  f-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving α β f
  f-is-order-preserving a a' l = o
    m : (α  a)  (α  a')
    m = ↓-preserves-order α a a' l

    n : (β  f a)  (β  f a')
    n = transport₂ _⊲_ (f-property a) (f-property a') m

    o : f a ≺⟨ β  f a'
    o = ↓-reflects-order β (f a) (f a') n

  f-is-initial-segment : (x :  α ) (y :  β )
                        y ≺⟨ β  f x
                        Σ x'   α  , (x' ≺⟨ α  x) × (f x'  y)
  f-is-initial-segment x y l = x' , o , (q ⁻¹)
    m : (β  y)  (β  f x)
    m = ↓-preserves-order β y (f x) l

    n : (β  y)  (α  x)
    n = transport ((β  y) ⊲_) ((f-property x)⁻¹) m

    x' :  α 
    x' = pr₁ (pr₁ n)

    o : x' ≺⟨ α  x
    o = pr₂ (pr₁ n)

    p = (β  y)              =⟨ pr₂ n 
        ((α  x)  (x' , o)) =⟨ iterated-↓ α x x' o 
        (α  x')             =⟨ f-property x' 
        (β  f x')           

    q : y  f x'
    q = ↓-lc β y (f x') p

  g : α  β
  g = f , f-is-initial-segment , f-is-order-preserving

≼-gives-⊴ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  α  β
≼-gives-⊴ {𝓤} α β l = to-⊴ α β (from-≼ l)

⊲-gives-≼ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  α  β
⊲-gives-≼ {𝓤} α β l α' m = Transitivity (OO 𝓤) α' α β m l

⊲-gives-⊴ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  α  β
⊲-gives-⊴ α β l = ≼-gives-⊴ α β (⊲-gives-≼ α β l)



⊲-⊴-gives-⊲ : (α β γ : Ordinal 𝓤)  α  β  β  γ  α  γ
⊲-⊴-gives-⊲ α β γ l k = ≼-trans _⊲_ (⊴-gives-≼ β γ k) (≼-refl _⊲_) α l


Transfinite induction on the ordinal of ordinals:


transfinite-induction-on-OO : (P : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓥 ̇ )
                             ((α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ((a :  α )  P (α  a))  P α)
                             (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  P α
transfinite-induction-on-OO {𝓤} {𝓥} P f = Transfinite-induction (OO 𝓤) P f'
  f' : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
      ((α' : Ordinal 𝓤)  α'  α  P α')
      P α
  f' α g = f α  a  g (α  a) (a , refl))

transfinite-recursion-on-OO : (X : 𝓥 ̇ )
                             ((α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ( α   X)  X)
                             Ordinal 𝓤  X
transfinite-recursion-on-OO {𝓤} {𝓥} X = transfinite-induction-on-OO  _  X)

has-minimal-element : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓤 ̇
has-minimal-element α = Σ a   α  , ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x)

has-no-minimal-element : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓤 ̇
has-no-minimal-element α = ((a :  α )  ¬¬ (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a))

ordinal-with-no-minimal-element-is-empty : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
                                          has-no-minimal-element α
                                          is-empty  α 
ordinal-with-no-minimal-element-is-empty {𝓤} = transfinite-induction-on-OO P ϕ
  P : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓤 ̇
  P α = has-no-minimal-element α  is-empty  α 

  ϕ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ((a :  α )  P (α  a))  P α
  ϕ α f g x = g x (f x h)
    h : has-no-minimal-element (α  x)
    h (y , l) u = g y (contrapositive k u)
      k :  α  y    (α  x)  (y , l) 
      k (z , m) = (z , o) , m
        o : z ≺⟨ α  x
        o = Transitivity α z y x m l

non-empty-classically-has-minimal-element : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
                                           is-nonempty  α 
                                           ¬¬ has-minimal-element α
non-empty-classically-has-minimal-element {𝓤} α n = iv
  i : ¬ has-no-minimal-element α
  i = contrapositive (ordinal-with-no-minimal-element-is-empty α) n

  ii : ¬¬ (Σ a   α  , ¬ (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a))
  ii = not-Π-not-not-implies-not-not-Σ-not i

  iii : (Σ a   α  , ¬ (Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a))
       (Σ a   α  , ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x))
  iii (a , n) = a , not-Σ-implies-Π-not n

  iv : ¬¬ (Σ a   α  , ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x))
  iv = ¬¬-functor iii ii

NB-minimal : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a :  α )
             ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x)
             ((x :  α )  a ≼⟨ α  x)
NB-minimal α a = f , g
  f : ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x)  ((x :  α )  a ≼⟨ α  x)
  f h x u l = 𝟘-elim (h u l)

  g : ((x :  α )  a ≼⟨ α  x)  ((x :  α )  a ≾⟨ α  x)
  g k x m = irrefl α x (k x x m)


Added 2nd May 2022.


order-preserving-gives-not-⊲ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
                              (Σ f  ( α    β ) , is-order-preserving α β f)
                              ¬ (β  α)
order-preserving-gives-not-⊲ {𝓤} α β σ (x₀ , refl) = γ σ
  γ : ¬ (Σ f  ( α    α  x₀ ) , is-order-preserving α (α  x₀) f)
  γ (f , fop) = κ
    g :  α    α 
    g x = pr₁ (f x)

    h : (x :  α )  g x ≺⟨ α  x₀
    h x = pr₂ (f x)

    δ : (n : )  (g ^ succ n) x₀ ≺⟨ α  (g ^ n) x₀
    δ 0        = h x₀
    δ (succ n) = fop _ _ (δ n)

    A :  α   𝓤 ̇
    A x = Σ n   , (g ^ n) x₀  x

    d : (x :  α )  A x  Σ y   α  , (y ≺⟨ α  x) × A y
    d x (n , refl) = g x , δ n , succ n , refl

    κ : 𝟘
    κ = no-minimal-is-empty' (underlying-order α) (Well-foundedness α)
         A d (x₀ , 0 , refl)

open import UF.ClassicalLogic

EM-implies-order-preserving-gives-≼ : EM 𝓤
                          (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
                          (Σ f  ( α    β ) , is-order-preserving α β f)
                          α  β
EM-implies-order-preserving-gives-≼ em α β σ = δ
  γ : (∀ u  u ⊲⁻ α  u ⊲⁻ β) + (β ⊲⁻ α)  α  β
  γ (inl l) γ p =  ⊲-is-equivalent-to-⊲⁻ γ β ⌝⁻¹ (l γ ( ⊲-is-equivalent-to-⊲⁻ γ α  p))
  γ (inr m) = 𝟘-elim (order-preserving-gives-not-⊲ α β σ ( ⊲-is-equivalent-to-⊲⁻ β α ⌝⁻¹ m))

  ⊲⁻-is-well-order : is-well-order {𝓤 } {𝓤} _⊲⁻_
  ⊲⁻-is-well-order {𝓤} = order-transfer-lemma₃.well-order→ fe (Ordinal 𝓤) _⊲_ _⊲⁻_

  δ : α  β
  δ = γ (≼-or-> _⊲⁻_ fe' em ⊲⁻-is-well-order α β)

In fact order preserving maps can be upgraded to inequalities if and
only if excluded middle holds.


order-preserving-gives-≼-implies-EM :
   ((α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
          Σ f  ( α    β ) , is-order-preserving α β f
          α  β)
  EM 𝓤
order-preserving-gives-≼-implies-EM h P P-is-prop = II (g ) refl
  open import MLTT.Plus-Properties

  α = 𝟙ₒ
  Pₒ = prop-ordinal P P-is-prop
  β = Pₒ +ₒ 𝟙ₒ

  f :  α    β 
  f  = inr 

  f-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving α β f
  f-is-order-preserving   = 𝟘-elim

  𝕘 : α  β
  𝕘 = ≼-gives-⊴ α β (h α β (f , f-is-order-preserving))
  g = [ α , β ]⟨ 𝕘 

  inl-p-is-least : (p : P)  is-least β (inl p)
  inl-p-is-least p (inl _) (inl _) l = l
  inl-p-is-least p (inl _) (inr _) l = l
  inl-p-is-least p (inr _) (inl _) l = 
  inl-p-is-least p (inr _) (inr _) l = l

  I : (p : P)  g   inl p
  I p = simulations-preserve-least α β  (inl p)
         g ([ α , β ]⟨ 𝕘 ⟩-is-simulation)
             𝟘-elim) (inl-p-is-least p)

  II : (y :  β )  g   y  P + ¬ P
  II (inl p) e = inl p
  II (inr ) e = inr  p  +disjoint ((I p) ⁻¹  e))


Added 7 November 2022 by Tom de Jong.

A consequence of the above constructions is that a simulation
preserves initial segments in the following sense:


simulations-preserve-↓ : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤) ((f , _) : α  β)
                        ((a :  α )  α  a  β  f a)
simulations-preserve-↓ α β 𝕗 a = pr₂ (from-≼ (⊴-gives-≼ α β 𝕗) a)

Idtofunₒ-↓-lemma : {α β : Ordinal 𝓤} {a :  α }
                   (e : α  β)
                  α  a  β  Idtofunₒ e a
Idtofunₒ-↓-lemma refl = refl


Added 31 October 2022 by Tom de Jong.

We record the (computational) behaviour of transfinite induction on OO
for use in other constructions.


 transfinite-induction-on-OO-behaviour :
    (P : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓥 ̇ )
   (f : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ((a :  α )  P (α  a))  P α)
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
   transfinite-induction-on-OO P f α
     f α  a  transfinite-induction-on-OO P f (α  a))
 transfinite-induction-on-OO-behaviour {𝓤} {𝓥} P f =
  Transfinite-induction-behaviour fe (OO 𝓤) P f'
    f' : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        ((α' : Ordinal 𝓤)  α'  α  P α')
        P α
    f' α g = f α  a  g (α  a) (a , refl))

 transfinite-recursion-on-OO-behaviour :
    (X : 𝓥 ̇ )
   (f : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ( α   X)  X)
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
   transfinite-recursion-on-OO X f α
     f α  a  transfinite-recursion-on-OO X f (α  a))
 transfinite-recursion-on-OO-behaviour X f =
  transfinite-induction-on-OO-behaviour  _  X) f

 transfinite-recursion-on-OO-bundled :
    (X : 𝓥 ̇ )
   (f : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ( α   X)  X)
   Σ r  (Ordinal 𝓤  X) , ((α : Ordinal 𝓤)  r α  f α  a  r (α  a)))
 transfinite-recursion-on-OO-bundled X f =
  transfinite-recursion-on-OO X f , transfinite-recursion-on-OO-behaviour X f


Added 1st June 2023 by Martin Escardo.


definition-by-transfinite-recursion-on-OO :
   (X : 𝓥 ̇ )
  (f : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ( α   X)  X)
  Σ h  (Ordinal 𝓤  X) , (∀ α  h α  f α  a  h (α  a)))
definition-by-transfinite-recursion-on-OO X f =
 transfinite-recursion-on-OO X f  ,
 transfinite-recursion-on-OO-behaviour X f

definition-by-transfinite-induction-on-OO :
   (X : Ordinal 𝓤  𝓥 ̇ )
  (f : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  ((a :  α )  X (α  a))  X α)
  Σ h  ((α : Ordinal 𝓤)  X α) , (∀ α  h α  f α  a  h (α  a)))
definition-by-transfinite-induction-on-OO X f =
 transfinite-induction-on-OO X f  ,
 transfinite-induction-on-OO-behaviour X f


Given simulations
  f : α ⊴ γ and g : β ⊴ γ
and points a : α and b : β we have
  f a ≼ g b   ⇔   α ↓ a ⊴ β ↓ b,
  f a = g b   ⇔   α ↓ a ≃ₒ β ↓ b.


initial-segments-⊴-gives-simulations-pointwise-≼ :
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
   (f : α  γ) (g : β  γ)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β )
  (α  a)  (β  b)
  [ α , γ ]⟨ f  a ≼⟨ γ  [ β , γ ]⟨ g  b
 α β γ 𝕗@(f , f-sim) 𝕘@(g , g-sim) a b 𝕖@(e , e-sim) c c-below-fa = V
  I : Σ x   α  , x ≺⟨ α  a × (f x  c)
  I = simulations-are-initial-segments α γ f f-sim a c c-below-fa
  x :  α 
  x = pr₁ I
  x-below-a : x ≺⟨ α  a
  x-below-a = pr₁ (pr₂ I)
  fx-equals-c : f x  c
  fx-equals-c = pr₂ (pr₂ I)

  II :  β  b 
  II = e (x , x-below-a)
  y :  β 
  y = pr₁ II
  y-below-b : y ≺⟨ β  b
  y-below-b = pr₂ II


  We now prove that f x = g y by considering the necessarily commutative
  diagram of simulations

    α ↓ a   ⊴   β ↓ b
      ⊴           ⊴
      α           β
        ⊴ᶠ     ᵍ⊵


  III : f x  g y
  III = ap  -  pr₁ - (x , x-below-a)) sim-commute
    sim-commute :
        ⊴-trans (α  a) α γ (segment-⊴ α a) 𝕗
      ⊴-trans (α  a) (β  b) γ 𝕖 (⊴-trans (β  b) β γ (segment-⊴ β b) 𝕘)
    sim-commute =
     ⊴-is-prop-valued (α  a) γ
      (⊴-trans (α  a) α γ (segment-⊴ α a) 𝕗)
      (⊴-trans (α  a) (β  b) γ 𝕖 (⊴-trans (β  b) β γ (segment-⊴ β b) 𝕘))

  IV : c  g y
  IV = fx-equals-c ⁻¹  III

  V : c ≺⟨ γ  g b
  V = transport⁻¹  -  - ≺⟨ γ  g b) IV
                  (simulations-are-order-preserving β γ g g-sim y b y-below-b)

isomorphic-initial-segments-gives-simulations-pointwise-equal :
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
   (f : α  γ) (g : β  γ)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β )
  (α  a) ≃ₒ (β  b)
  (pr₁ f) a  (pr₁ g) b
isomorphic-initial-segments-gives-simulations-pointwise-equal α β γ f g a b e =
 Extensionality γ (pr₁ f a) (pr₁ g b) I II
   I : pr₁ f a ≼⟨ γ  pr₁ g b
   I = initial-segments-⊴-gives-simulations-pointwise-≼ α β γ f g a b
        (≃ₒ-to-⊴ (α  a) (β  b) e)
   II : pr₁ g b ≼⟨ γ  pr₁ f a
   II = initial-segments-⊴-gives-simulations-pointwise-≼ β α γ g f b a
         (≃ₒ-to-⊴ (β  b) (α  a) (≃ₒ-sym (α  a) (β  b) e))


We illustrate the above lemmas by showing that they generalize the
left-cancellability of taking initial segments (which was already proved above).


↓-⊴-lc-bis : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
            (α  a)  (α  b )
            a ≼⟨ α  b
↓-⊴-lc-bis α =
 initial-segments-⊴-gives-simulations-pointwise-≼ α α α (⊴-refl α) (⊴-refl α)

↓-lc-bis : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (a b :  α )
          (α  a) ≃ₒ (α  b )
          a  b
↓-lc-bis α =
 isomorphic-initial-segments-gives-simulations-pointwise-equal α α α
  (⊴-refl α) (⊴-refl α)


We now prove the converses to the above lemmas.


simulations-pointwise-≼-gives-initial-segments-⊴ :
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
   (f : α  γ) (g : β  γ)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β )
  (pr₁ f) a ≼⟨ γ  (pr₁ g) b
  (α  a)  (β  b)
 α β γ 𝕗@(f , f-sim) 𝕘@(g , g-sim) a b fa-below-gb = h ,
                                                     h-intial-segment ,
   h-prelim : (x :  α )
             x ≺⟨ α  a
             Σ y   β  , (y ≺⟨ β  b) × (g y  f x)
   h-prelim x l = simulations-are-initial-segments β γ g g-sim b (f x) l'
     l' : f x ≺⟨ γ  g b
     l' = fa-below-gb (f x) (simulations-are-order-preserving α γ f f-sim x a l)

   h :  α  a    β  b 
   h (x , l) = (pr₁ (h-prelim x l) , pr₁ (pr₂ (h-prelim x l)))
    :  α  a    β 
    = segment-inclusion β b  h

   h-eq : (x :  α ) (l : x ≺⟨ α  a)
         g ( (x , l))  f x
   h-eq x l = pr₂ (pr₂ (h-prelim x l))

   h-order-preserving : is-order-preserving (α  a) (β  b) h
   h-order-preserving (x , l) (y , k) x-below-y = III
     I : f x ≺⟨ γ  f y
     I = simulations-are-order-preserving α γ f f-sim x y x-below-y
     II : g ( (x , l)) ≺⟨ γ  g ( (y , k))
     II = transport₂⁻¹ (underlying-order γ) (h-eq x l) (h-eq y k) I
     III :  (x , l) ≺⟨ β   (y , k)
     III = simulations-are-order-reflecting β γ g g-sim
                                            ( (x , l)) ( (y , k)) II

   h-intial-segment : is-initial-segment (α  a) (β  b) h
   h-intial-segment (x , l) (y , k) y-below-hx = (x' , IV) , x'-below-x , V
     I : g y ≺⟨ γ  g ( (x , l))
     I = simulations-are-order-preserving β γ g g-sim y ( (x , l)) y-below-hx
     II : g y ≺⟨ γ  f x
     II = transport  -  g y ≺⟨ γ  -) (h-eq x l) I
     III : Σ x'   α  , x' ≺⟨ α  x × (f x'  g y)
     III = simulations-are-initial-segments α γ f f-sim x (g y) II
     x' :  α 
     x' = pr₁ III
     x'-below-x : x' ≺⟨ α  x
     x'-below-x = pr₁ (pr₂ III)
     IV : x' ≺⟨ α  a
     IV = Transitivity α x' x a x'-below-x l
     V : h (x' , IV)  y , k
     V = to-subtype-=  _  Prop-valuedness β _ b)
                       (simulations-are-lc β γ g g-sim
                                           (g ( (x' , IV)) =⟨ h-eq x' IV 
                                            f x'            =⟨ pr₂ (pr₂ III) 
                                            g y             ))

simulations-pointwise-equal-gives-isomorphic-initial-segments :
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
   (f : α  γ) (g : β  γ)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β )
  (pr₁ f) a  (pr₁ g) b
  (α  a) ≃ₒ (β  b)
simulations-pointwise-equal-gives-isomorphic-initial-segments α β γ f g a b eq =
 bisimilarity-gives-ordinal-equiv (α  a) (β  b) I II
   I : (α  a)  (β  b)
   I = simulations-pointwise-≼-gives-initial-segments-⊴ α β γ f g a b
        (≼-refl-= (underlying-order γ) eq)
   II : (β  b)  (α  a)
   II = simulations-pointwise-≼-gives-initial-segments-⊴ β α γ g f b a
         (≼-refl-= (underlying-order γ) (eq ⁻¹))


Fixities and precedences


infix 4 _⊲_
infix 4 _⊴_
infixl 5 _↓_
